jolie laide: jolie laide

jolie laide

I started this when I lived in Brooklyn and struggled for grace in a city that grants moments of beauty and ugliness breathtakingly close to one another. Now I live in a place where things are a different kind of ugly and the beauty is pedestrian. I struggle with that.


jolie laide

I met one of my best friends for coffee yesterday before work. We were walking to the subway together, talking about plays we would like to see. He mentioned one, and I said, “I don’t like musicals. I have a problem with the basic premise. I mean, when do people break into song in the middle of the street?”

And we were jaywalking across the middle of the street at that moment. We stopped, looked at each other with the same gleam…I sang “Dancing Cheek to Cheek” and we did a slow foxtrot in the middle of Willoughby Avenue in downtown Brooklyn at rush hour.


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