jolie laide: 6 Things

jolie laide

I started this when I lived in Brooklyn and struggled for grace in a city that grants moments of beauty and ugliness breathtakingly close to one another. Now I live in a place where things are a different kind of ugly and the beauty is pedestrian. I struggle with that.


6 Things

I have been touched by the 6 Things Meme Fairy. (or is that the 6 Things Me! Me! Fairy?) And so, six things about me:

1) The alpha and omega of my personality just might be my finger puppet and crack vial collections.

2) I like to read building permits. I will climb up on people’s stoops or enter construction sites to do this. I once terrified the contractors on a huge project by asking that they show me their permits, in compliance with the regulations that mandate their public display. I think they thought I was gonna bust them.

3) My southern accent was so thick, I was well into my twenties and still pronounced ford, forward and forehead all the same: foooh-uuuurd. If I didn’t understand something you said, I used to say: do whuuuuuuut? That had to be beaten out of me with a stick.

4) Those dreams you have where the bell has rung and you’re standing in the hallway of your high school and you don’t know which class to go to and you are naked? I have those dreams sometimes. And I’m always like, cool! Everyone will be so freaked out and uncomfortable, but not me!

5) I desire books. Particularly art books, big glossy ones. I don’t necessarily want to read them, I mostly want to possess them. Possess their potential, their world, their knowledge, know that I can access it when I want.

6) I have a nearly invisible mole on the underside of my nose. I fretted over it when I was a kid, and my mother told me not to worry, that boys would kiss it when I grew up. Boys have only kissed it after I tell them this.


Blogger slickaphonic said...


when i was a youngin', i only wanted hardback books; didn't need to about art or ponies or whatever. they could have been about the history of groundrot in the US; as long as it was hardback. That was *real* luxury to me.

10:30 PM  
Blogger Dr. S said...

1) don't ever get those mixed up.
2) I have no comment on this, though I think it's terrific.
3) I also had a southern accent for awhile, having lived in southern Indiana, but it wore off after I'd been away for a little while. when I go home, my terminal g's drop off of -ing words in almost no time.
4) I never have those dreams.
5) books. sigh. I am a true addict, not quite at the level of those people who have a mania for eating books, but about as close as I can get. this summer I get to start studying the History of the Book as a teaching area.
6) I also have a tiny mole on the underside of my nose!

11:28 PM  
Blogger ttractor said...

I always feel like I have to put a disclaimer on the crack vial's not crack I smoked, its just what I picked up in my own lousy neighborhoods during the crack waves in the 90s. It is actually awesomely frightening. Or frighteningly awesome.

11:18 AM  

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