jolie laide

jolie laide

I started this when I lived in Brooklyn and struggled for grace in a city that grants moments of beauty and ugliness breathtakingly close to one another. Now I live in a place where things are a different kind of ugly and the beauty is pedestrian. I struggle with that.


I am waiting for the downtown local. At some stations the express track is sunken below, or higher up, or on another platform entirely. Here, it is a scant few feet away.

When the express train pulls through the station here, it is not the usual scream of silver and flash. There is construction further down the line, so the train goes slowly, a trundling exhibition of commuters moving by.

I can look at each packed car. Watch her leisurely yawn, see him flip his newspaper. Sometimes our eyes meet, before the distance and darkness intervenes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, when is your book due out? I mean, you already have your theme. Crikey, just take this blog to your nearest agent and I'll bet you're signing a deal in no time.

What's the hold up?

10:27 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

the poetry of the NYC metro

I've been re-reading Ezra Pound's spare verse - I'm drawn to him because of his genius, because of his madness

here is an apropos example:

-In A Station Of The Metro-

The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough.

11:09 PM  
Blogger ttractor said...

R-M, that is fantastic, thank you!

Froufamjen, I will hustle my junk to the nearest, friendly publisher when you do the same with your photos! So there! (um, can anyone point me to a nearby, friendly publisher? does one exist?)

3:43 PM  

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