jolie laide

jolie laide

I started this when I lived in Brooklyn and struggled for grace in a city that grants moments of beauty and ugliness breathtakingly close to one another. Now I live in a place where things are a different kind of ugly and the beauty is pedestrian. I struggle with that.


Friday night presents an opportunity for adventure so I put on my brassy hard-candy self and go out. I am a loud-mouthed ass-kicker and I am drinking to keep up with the boys.

At home I wash my face, pull off my clothes, brutally rid myself of the last three shots of tequila which my body tells me it does not need, slide into bed and into a hard sleep.

The next morning, I see my mouth is red, there is white and red greasepaint on my sleeve. I call my friend on the phone, “I kissed a clown last night!” She laughs and says “Aren’t they all!” and I laugh too, because I know how big a fool I am.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"loud-mouthed ass-kicker"...Yes, indeed, part of you is just that! You know, I may be coming to New York sometime soon.

7:01 PM  
Blogger ttractor said...

there is a thin line between high-spirited ass-kicker and...ass. Add tequila and a clown (no, really, I could not possibly have made this up) and there can be no other summation.

I had no idea you may be here soon! send dets!

7:27 PM  

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