jolie laide: Today's Commute

jolie laide

I started this when I lived in Brooklyn and struggled for grace in a city that grants moments of beauty and ugliness breathtakingly close to one another. Now I live in a place where things are a different kind of ugly and the beauty is pedestrian. I struggle with that.


Today's Commute

It’s a crowded rush-hour train, a thicket of upraised arms grasping for a purchase. Past the field of dark winter coats and smudgy newspapers our eyes meet, dispassionate, watching, hers a perfect green round.

And we stay that way, curious, looking, as the train lurches and rocks, until finally, still locked to me, she leans into her boyfriend, gently presses her temple to his cheekbone, and turns out her light.

Out of the subway and thinking about her eyelid slowly lowering, the sweetness of her touch to her lover, I get lost on familiar streets.


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