San Francisco, CA
The public radio station here is not so good. There is the announcer with the right stentorian voice, but his ad-libbing is awful. The one with an interesting voice and nice personality who cannot read the news without copious flubs. And it will take some time before I get used to traffic reports done in hushed, serious NPR tones. Especially when traffic issues in Tinytown tend to be appropriately tiny--slowdowns caused by debris in the road, and I imagine all these we're-all-free-and-western drivers barreling around with unsecured loads in their pickups. I particularly like that the station will tell you what it is--traffic is slowing down near Vallejo due to plastic buckets in the road. Or lawn chairs. Or cabbages. Today it is stuffed monkeys.
Long ago, I commented on your Coney Island post-- the hot dog pic. I see it never showed up. When they changed over to google, things were screwy for a bit, so this time I logged in first. I think this will work.
Hello, Ms.Magnificent! We sure have got some catching up to do.
Hey you! Sorry your comment got et. For sure we have some catching up to do, hoo-whee!
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